Background and context
Structural inequities have perpetuated stigmatization and devaluation of 2SLGBTQIA+ individuals within healthcare systems. In OTDT, there is a recognized need for enhanced training among healthcare teams to provide gender-affirming, patient-centered care to 2SLGBTQIA+ patients and their families.
In collaboration with Egale and the University of Manitoba, Canadian Blood Services is developing a curriculum focused on sexual orientation and gender identity for healthcare professionals. Under the guidance of Dr. Murdoch Leeies, this initiative aims to deepen healthcare providers' understanding and confidence in addressing health and social concerns relevant to 2SLGBTQIA+ identities.
To achieve this, we are developing an interactive, virtual curriculum comprised of five modules. The first two modules establish a strong theoretical foundation, while the subsequent three modules offer practice-based learning in living donation, deceased donation, and transplantation.
Egale, Canada’s leading organization dedicated to improving the lives of 2SLGBTQI people, brings extensive expertise and resources to the project. Their track record in developing high-quality e-modules, particularly in healthcare, underscores their invaluable contribution.
The collaboration between Canadian Blood Services and Egale ensures that the curriculum benefits from community-based expertise and upholds the highest standards of inclusivity and quality. We are excited about the progress made thus far and look forward to sharing the finalized curriculum, which will be accessible on Canadian Blood Services’ Professional Education website in both English and French.
For further information on Egale and their impactful work, please visit: