My Paired Donation Coach Canada - an animated learning series for patients

This learning series is a public education resource for those thinking about transplant or becoming a living donor. It is part of a comprehensive learning resource centre found at 

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My Paired Donation Coach Canada

My Paired Donation Coach Canada is a series of animated videos developed for patients, their friends and family, and potential donors to learn about the national Kidney Paired Donation program and how it may help some patients receive a kidney transplant.  

Meet Tracy, your paired donation coach. Tracy explains the risks and benefits of kidney transplant, how the Kidney Paired Donation program works and helps viewers learn about options that may be available. She provides guidance on how to find a living donor and shares links to valuable resources.   

Eleven video chapters make up My Paired Donation Coach (Canada). It takes about 30 minutes to complete. You can stop at any time and restart at a time that is convenient for you. 

My Paired Donation Coach video chapters contain educational information and does not provide medical advice. The information is not a substitute for diagnosis and treatment by a doctor, and does not replace a doctor’s independent judgment about the right care for you based on your specific clinical circumstances. For medical advice about your own situation, ask a health care professional.

My Transplant Coach Canada is part of an international collaboration among the following organizations:

  • Canadian Blood Services is a non-profit charitable organization. Our role in Canada is to focus on life essentials for transfusion and transplantation, including blood, plasma, stem cells, and organs and tissues.
  • UCLA Transplant Research and Education Center (TREC) designs and conducts research and educational interventions about kidney disease, transplant, and living donation. Visit
  • Health Literacy Media (HLM) specializes in improving health literacy through clear communication trainings, plain language messaging and design, audience research, content development, and active interventions within underserved communities.

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