Donor Coordinator Network - a Community of Practice

A community of practice for donor coordinators who support deceased donation

In 2020, Canadian Blood Services established a national Donor Coordinator Network. This national community of practice aims to support donor coordinators in offering deceased donation as a standard component of end-of-life care by continuing to:

  • Foster community building and national collaboration
  • Strengthen clinical and social support for a small and specialized community of healthcare professionals
  • Provide resources and opportunities to share and learn about emerging cases/issues
  • Support national development and implementation of consistent clinical strategies and approaches

The network offers: 

  • Educational Webinars (linked below)
  • E-newsletters

Are you a donor coordinator interested in joining this network? If so, please contact: 

Recorded webinar presentations

The High Status Heart Program: The journey so far and the path ahead

June 10, 2024

Dr. Brian Clarke & Fatima Dharsee


The ethics of nontherapeutic research with imminently dying patient-participants after the withdrawal of life-sustaining measures in the ICU

November 21, 2023

Dr. Nicholas Murphy


Equitable policy revision for sexual and gender minorities in organ and tissue donation

November 3, 2023

Dr. Murdoch Leeies 


"Living" with the uncertainties in death determination by ancillary testing

October 16, 2023

Dr. Michaël Chassé 


Death definition and determination in real life

September 13, 2023

Dr. Andrew Healey 


Lessons from Spain: Next Steps Towards Improving ICU Donation Services

June 9, 2023

Dr. Mario Royo Villanova


May 15 2023 | Presenter : Dr. Samara Zavalkoff

Preventable harm in the Canadian OTDT system: Missed organ donor identification and referral



March 30, 2023 | Presenter: Dr. Sam Shemie

Paradigm Shift to a Brain-Based Definition & Determination of Death


March 1, 2023 | Presenter: Dr. Kim Wiebe

Medical Assistance in Dying and Organ Donation


December 13, 2022 | Presenter: Dr. Dennis Djogovic

Alberta SEND program: Specialists in End-of-Life Care, Neuroprognostication, and Donation

November 7, 2022 | Presenter: Laurie A. Lee

Survey of Current Practices in Pediatric and Neonatal Donation and Transplant in Canada

September 26, 2022 | Presenter: Dr. Kim Wiebe

Title: Organ and Tissue Donation following MAiD

April 14, 2022 | Presenter: Caroline Tait

Title: Voices, rights, and health care equity: The importance of including First Nations and Métis health leaders in organ donation and transplantation decision-making


January 20, 2022 | Presenter: Dr. Amanda van Beinum

Title: Healthcare professionals’ experiences and responses to perceived autoresuscitation events

September 28, 2021 | Presenter: Dr. Andrew Healey
Title: Expanding the Lung Donor Pool using Non-Perfused Organ Donation

June 1, 2021 | Presenters: Shauna Coffey
Title:  Tissue Donation - The Southern Alberta Experience
April 29, 2021 | Presenters: Jia Lin & Sarah Pol
Title:  Experiences of Family Veto among Organ and Tissue Donor Coordinators in Ontario



March 30, 2021 | Presenter: Dr. Sonny Dhanani
Title: DePPaRT study: insights and implications

December 16, 2020 | Presenter:  Ms. Vanessa Silva e Silva, Lead Researcher, BRIC Study 

Title:  Burnout among Donation Coordinators: Progress with the BRiC Study and Preliminary Results

Materials: The BRIC study (Burnout and Resilience in Organ and Tissue Donation Coordinators) information and publicatons can be found here

January 26, 2021 | Presenter:  Ms. Cynthia Isenor,  Health Services Director at Nova Scotia Health Authority for the Critical Care Program

Title:  The LEADDR Program: Legislative Evaluation – Assessment of Deceased Donation Reform


The Donor Coordinator Network is brought together by Canadian Blood Services