Critical Care Canada Forum (CCCF) – Deceased Donation Scientific Symposium 2018

The following videos were recorded in partnership with Trillium Gift of Life Network and the Canadian National Transplant Research Program at The Critical Care Canada Forum between November 6 to 9, 2018. 

Presentation: Threats to the Concept of Brain Death

Presenter: Dr. Brian Kavanagh

Presentation: Is BD death itself? No

Presenter: Dr. Ari Joffe



Presentation: Brain death medical pro (vs. con)

Presenter: Dr. Sam Shemie

Presentation: Legal uncertainty of the concept of brain death

Presenter: Hugh Scher

Presentation: Threats to the concept of brain death: Legal coherence

Presenters: Dr. Daphne Jarvis

Presentation: Threats to the Concept of Brain Death

Presenter: Dr. Rob Sibbald

Presentation: International perspectives of medical and legal threats to brain death

Presenters: Dr. David Greer

Presentation: Changing demographics in devastating brain injury

Presenters: Dr. Andreas Kramer

Presentation: The opiate epidemic and organ donation

Presenter: Dr. Sean Keenan

Presentation: Panel discussion - Death determination: Challenging cases

Presenters: Drs. Margaret Thompson, David Greer, Andrew Healey, Jeff Singh, Matthew Weiss

Presentation: Restarting the heart after death in DCD: Expert guidance from a Canadian consensus building process

Presenter: Dr. Andrew Healey

Presentation: Update on Canadian clinical practice guidelines for donor management

Presenter: Dr. Ian Ball

Presentation: Results of the Canada-DONATE cohort study

Presenter: Dr. Maureen Meade

Presentation: Engaging substitute decision makers and family in organ donation

Presenter: Dr. Aimee Sarti

Presentation: Canadian ICU physician attitudes to deceased donation

Presenter: Dr. Michael Chasse & Dr. Matthew Weiss

Presentation: Uncontrolled DCD: The Spanish experience

Presenter: Dr. Angel Ruiz Arranz - Uncontrolled DCD

Presentation: E-CPR for out of hospital cardiac arrest

Presenter: Dr. Brian Grunau

Presentation: Organ Donation III

Presenter: Dr. Angel Ruiz Arranz - In-Situ vs Ex-Vivo

Presentation: Trust and integrity in the deceased donation system

Presenter: Dr. Sam Shemie