The Canadian Transplant Registry (CTR) identifies transplant opportunities across Canada for liver transplant candidates who are designated as medically urgent.

Although these policies have been approved they are not considered active until implemented through the CTR IPOS Liver project.


Project Policies

The Canadian Transplant Registry (CTR) identifies transplant opportunities across Canada for liver transplant candidates who are designated as medically urgent

Recipient Eligibility

This policy describes the eligibility requirements for potential transplant recipients to participate in the Inter-provincial Sharing: Liver program. 

Click to view or download the recipient eligibility policy CTR.20.001


Type Canadian Transplant Registry
Program Inter-provincial Sharing: Liver
Policy Title Recipient Eligibility


Policy Number CTR.20.001
Version (Date) v1.0 (FINAL - 2023-01-17)
Policy Sponsor Liver Transplant Advisory Committee (LTAC)
Committee Review LTAC (2017-11-30/2019-12-06), DTAAC (2017-11-30), ODTEAC (2017-11-30), CLTN (2017-09-26/2019-12-06)
Committee Endorsement LTAC (2019-12-06), DTAAC (2021-06-09), ODTEAC (ADD DATE), CLTN (2022-09-20)
Provincial/Territorial Sign-Off 2021-06-09
Effective Date TBD



The Canadian Transplant Registry (CTR) identifies transplant opportunities across Canada for liver transplant candidates who are designated as medically urgent. This policy describes the eligibility requirements for potential transplant recipients to participate in the Inter-provincial Sharing: Liver program. 



1. General Requirements

1.1 To be eligible for the Inter-provincial Sharing: Liver program in the CTR, potential recipients must meet the following criteria:

  • 1.1.1 The recipient must be active on a local waitlist for a liver transplant in a Canadian Transplant Program.
  • 1.1.2 The recipient must be designated as medically urgent, defined as one of the following statuses:

In intensive care requiring mechanical ventilation for fulminant liver failure, including primary nonfunction of a graft; without liver transplantation, death is considered imminent.

Primary nonfunction and fulminant (in adults) is defined using the criteria in the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN) policies.

The pediatric definition of acute liver failure is uncorrectable INR >1.5 with signs of encephalopathy or uncorrectable INR >2 in children with no pre-existing known liver disease (based on the NIH funded PALF study).

Primary non-function of a graft or Hepatic Artery Thrombosis (HAT), provided the thrombosis occurs within 7 days of transplantation.   Beyond 7 days after transplantation, a patient is to be classified according to standard liver failure/urgency criteria.

In intensive or equivalent care facility for fulminant liver failure but not on mechanical support, who fulfills the King’s College criteria for high risk of mortality without liver transplantation.

Primary nonfunction and fulminant (in adults) is defined using the criteria in the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN) policies.

The pediatric definition of acute liver failure is uncorrectable INR >1.5 with signs of encephalopathy or uncorrectable INR >2 in children with no pre-existing known liver disease (based on the NIH funded PALF study)
3LS (New classification)

Paediatric patients requiring a combined liver / small bowel (terminology: multi-visceral)

Patients with a status of 3F will be prioritized over patients in 3LS status unless their calculated CPALS or MELD-Na is >35. In these cases, a mandatory discussion between centers with 3F and 3LS patient will be required.
3P (New classification) Paediatric patients weighing less than or equal to 6kg.


2. Citizenship and Residency Requirements

2.1 In addition to meeting the General Requirements in section 1, potential recipients must meet one of the following requirements:

  • 2.1.1 A Canadian citizen or permanent resident who is eligible under a provincial, territorial or federal health insurance program;
  • 2.1.2 A foreign citizen who is covered under a provincial, territorial, or federal health insurance program while residing in Canada (e.g. Temporary Foreign Workers, Refugees, Foreign Diplomats, International Students);
  • 2.1.3 A foreign citizen who is legally residing in Canada and has private insurance coverage (e.g. tourist in an emergency situation, International Students, Foreign Diplomats).
  • Such cases would be at the discretion of the local program, and handled on a case-by-case basis


3. Review

This policy is reviewed annually at the discretion of the Liver Transplant Advisory Committee (LTAC), Donation and Transplantation Administrators Advisory Committee (DTAAC) and the Organ Donation and Transplantation Expert Advisory Committee (ODTEAC).




Version History    
Version Date Comments/Changes
V1.0 2023-01-17 Original version 





Liver Allocation: Matching and Ranking

This policy outlines the rules used to identify and rank patients who are eligible for interprovincial liver sharing.

Click to view or download the liver allocation: matching and ranking policy CTR.20.002


Type Canadian Transplant Registry
Program Inter-provincial sharing: Liver
Policy Title Liver Allocation: Matching and Ranking


Policy Number CTR.20.002
Version (Date) v1.0 (FINAL - 2023-01-17)
Policy Sponsor Liver Transplant Advisory Committee (LTAC)
Committee Review LTAC (2017-11-30/2019-12-06), DTAAC (2017-11-30), ODTEAC (2017-11-30), CLTN (2017-09-26/2019-12-06)
Committee Endorsement LTAC (2019-12-06), DTAAC (2021-06-09), ODTEAC (ADD DATE), CCTN (2022-09-20)
Provincial/Territorial Sign-Off 2021-06-09
Effective Date TBD



The Canadian Transplant Registry (CTR) identifies transplant opportunities across Canada, for liver transplant candidates who are designated as medically urgent. This policy outlines the rules used to identify and rank patients who are eligible for interprovincial liver sharing.



1. Identifying Potential Recipient Matches

There are three steps that the matching algorithm performs to generate the list of potential recipients (i.e., matches) for a liver from a deceased donor who has been registered in the CTR:

1) Blood Group (ABO) Compatibility

2) Recipient and Transplant Program specific filters:

Filter Attribute
Accept a donor to specified maximum age (<45, <55, <65, no restriction)
Accept a donor above a specified minimum age (>10, >11, >12, >13, >14, >15, >16, >17, >18, no restriction)
Accept a donor who has tested positive for Hepatitis B core antibody
Accept a donor who has tested positive for Hepatitis C
Accept a DCD (donation after cardio-circulatory death) donor
HLA Virtual Crossmatching will be included as an optional capability of the CTR for liver patients.  If HLA antibodies are entered for a waitlisted individual, especially a multi-visceral patient, those antibodies will be used to produce a predicted positive or negative virtual crossmatch, but it will not exclude this patient from the matching.  This information would be supplied as supplementary information for consideration by the reviewing program.


1.1 Blood Group Compatibility

1.1.1 Potential recipients are first identified by an assessment of blood group compatibility, which is determined according to the following table.

Blood Group (ABO) Compatibility  
If donor blood group is: then recipient blood group can be:
O, A2 O, A, B, AB
B, A2B B, AB


1.1.2 Transplant programs can designate potential recipients as eligible for ABO incompatible transplants, regardless of age.

1.1.3 Potential recipients designated as eligible for ABO incompatible transplants will be included in the list of matched potential recipients by the matching algorithm.


1.2 MELD-Na

1.2.1 The formula for calculation of the MELD‐Na (SRTR) [7] = MELD + 1.32 * (137 – sodium mmol/L) – [0.033 *MELD * (137 – sodium mmol/L)]

  • If sodium is less than 125 mmol/L then sodium level will be 125 mmol/L
  • If sodium is greater than 137 mmol/L then sodium level will be 137 mmol/L
  • Where MELD = (0.957 x ln(creatinine mg/dL) + 0.378 x ln(bilirubin mg/dL) + 1.120 x ln(INR) + 0.6431) * 10
  • Laboratory values less than 1.0 are set to 1.0 for the calculation of the MELD score
  • The maximum MELD score is 40. The MELD score derived from this calculation will be rounded to the tenth decimal place and then multiplied by 10.
  • If “had dialysis twice, or 24 hours of CVVHD, within a week prior to the serum creatinine test?” = YES then creatinine level will be 4.0 mg/dL
  • If serum creatinine is greater than 4.0 mg/dL then serum creatinine level will be 4.0 mg/dL
  • Creatinine levels in μmol/L will be converted to mg/dL by dividing them by 88.4
  • Bilirubin levels in μmol/L will be converted to mg/dL by dividing them by 17.1
  • Lab Test Frequency Guideline – in accordance with the Liver Leading Practice Forum (May 2016), the following are recommended testing frequencies for ensuring their MELD-Na values are up-to-date and valid:
    • MELD‐Na score ≥ 30; Lab tests need to be collected and entered at least every 7 days
    • MELD‐Na score 29‐21; Lab tests need to be collected and entered at least every 30 days
    • MELD‐Na score ≤ 20; Lab tests need to be collected and entered at least every 90 days
    • For the sake of this policy almost all 3Fs and 4Fs will have MELD of 30 or greater
    • For 3LS patients, testing frequency will be as per home TPN program protocols


1.3 Canadian Pediatric Allocation for Liver System (CPALS)

1.3.1 A CPALS score shall be used for all paediatric patients, which is defined as any child less than 18 years of age.

1.3.2 The methodology used for calculating the CPALS score for pediatric patients is as follows:

Patient Group Score

Life-threatening complications of liver disease with imminent risk of death

  • Mechanical ventilator
  • Severe GI bleeding requiring at least 30cc/kg of replacement within the previous 24 hours
  • GCS<10
  • Renal failure and need for dialysis
40 points

Liver disease with conditions associated with high risk of death within weeks to months

  • Liver malignancies
  • Hepato-pulmonary syndrome
    • PaO2<60
    • Confirmed shunt
    • No primary pulmonary cause
  • Porto-pulmonary hypertension
30 points to 39 points if not transplanted within 1 month
End-Stage Liver Disease 24 points* + additional 3 points every 3 months to a maximum of 39 points (*Note: use calculated CPALS /PELD/ Na-MELD if score greater than exception points)

Inborn Errors of Metabolism Associated with Rapid Deterioration of Metabolic Stability

  • Urea cycle defects with rapidly progressive disease
40 points

Inborn Errors of Metabolism with more Stable, Chronically Managed Metabolic Status

  • Urea cycle defects
    • Amino-acidopathies with high ammonia
    • Organic acidemias
    • Crigler-Najjar type 1
    • Primary oxaluria
29 points + additional 2 points every 2 months to a maximum of 39 points


2. Ranking of Matched Potential Recipients

2.1 If more than one potential recipient is a match for a donor liver, matches are prioritized by the Canadian Transplant Registry based on the following ranking criteria.

Interprovincial Ranking Attribute Priorité
Pediatric Patient (<18 years of age) with Medical urgency (Status = 4F) 1
Adult Patient with Medical urgency (Status = 4F) 2

Pediatric Patient (<18 years of age) with Medical urgency (Status = 3F or 3LS)

  • Patients with a status of 3F will be prioritized over patients in 3LS status unless the calculated PELD or Na-MELD (for children 12-18y old) score is >35 for the 3LS patients. In these cases a mandatory discussion between centers with 3F and 3LS patient will be required.

Adult Patient with Medical urgency (Status = 3F)

  • Patients with a status of 3F will be prioritized over patients in 3LS status unless their calculated MELD-Na is >35. In these cases, a mandatory discussion between centers with 3F and 3LS patient will be required.
Pediatric Patient at or below 6kg in weight (Status = 3P) 5
Number of Days Listed at Current Medical Status, including hold time 6

The donor and potential recipient are in the same service region

  • Adults (5 service regions):
    • Atlantic Canada (Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland & Labrador, Prince Edward Island)
    • Quebec
    • Manitoba and Ontario
    • Saskatchewan, Alberta
    • British Columbia
  • Pediatric (3 service regions)
    • Toronto - Ontario/Atlantic Canada/Manitoba
    • Quebec
    • Edmonton - Alberta/Saskatchewan/ BC, Yukon, Nunavut, NWT


Below Interprovincial Ranking Attributes Rank

The CTR National Waitlist will continue to list all liver patients of all medical urgency levels. For patients below the interprovincial eligibility (i.e. 4F / 3F / 3LS / 3P), actively listed patients will be sorted based on their MELD-Na or CPALS score, their ABO, and finally their time on list.



2.1.1. All potential recipients (i.e., patients wait-listed for liver transplant either designated as Medically Urgent (Status = 4F or 3F) are reviewed annually at a meeting of representatives from a majority of transplant centres (i.e., Canadian Liver Transplant Network meetings).

2.2 Candidate wait time is from date of first listing in CTR and includes any time on hold.


3. Review

This policy is reviewed at the discretion of the Liver Transplant Advisory Committee (LTAC), Donation and Transplantation Administrators Advisory Committee (DTAAC), and the Organ Donation and Transplantation Expert Advisory Committee (ODTEAC).




Version History    
Version Date Comments/Changes
V1.0 <Date> Original version




Requirement to Offer

This policy describes the procedure with respect to Organ Donation Organizations (ODO) offering donor livers under the Inter-provincial Sharing: Liver program and the subsequent offer acceptance by Transplant Programs.

Click to view or download the requirement to offer policy CTR.20.003


Type Canadian Transplant Registry
Programme Inter-provincial Sharing: Liver
Titre de la politique Requirement to Offer


Policy Number CTR.20.003
Version (Date) v1.0 (FINAL - 2023-01-17)
Policy Sponsor Liver Transplant Advisory Committee (LTAC)
Committee Review LTAC (2017-11-30), DTAAC (2017-11-30), ODTEAC (2017-11-30), CLTN (2022-09-20)
Committee Endorsement LTAC (2019-12-06), DTAAC (2021-06-09), ODTEAC (ADD DATE), CLTN (2022-09-20)
Provincial/Territorial Sign-Off 2021-06-09
Effective Date TBD



The Canadian Transplant Registry (CTR) identifies transplant opportunities across Canada for liver transplant candidates who are designated as medically urgent. This policy describes the procedure with respect to Organ Donation Organizations (ODO) offering donor livers under the Inter-provincial Sharing: Liver program and the subsequent offer acceptance by Transplant Programs.



1. Liver Offer Requirements

1.1 All consented liver deceased donors are entered in the CTR.

1.2 Provinces participating in the Inter-provincial Sharing: Liver program make available all livers from deceased donors deemed to be transplantable.

1.3 When a donor whole liver is made available, the CTR will generate a ranked list of all potential recipient matches.

  • 1.3.1 The Organ Donation Organization (ODO) makes an offer to the first potential recipient on the list. Should this offer be declined, the ODO is obliged to make an offer to the second, then third, and subsequent recipients on the list. If multiple potential 3F recipients are listed, then the donor ODO must offer to the first potential recipient on the allocation list and notify all ODOs, who have a similar status potential recipient listed.  This notification is required to provide the opportunity for Transplant Programs to have a discussion in order to request the liver on behalf of their potential recipient(s). A physician-to-physician discussion will be arranged between the transplant centre within the donor province and the out-of-province transplant centre to verify that the highest-ranked recipient fulfills the criteria for 3F listing. This verification may involve use of a listing checklist. If there is sufficient evidence to suggest that the highest-ranked recipient fulfills criteria for 3F listing, the donor ODO must offer the liver to the highest ranked 3F recipient. If the evidence suggests that the highest-ranked recipient does not fulfill criteria for 3F  listing and there are multiple potential 3F recipients listed, the donor ODO will verify that the next potential recipient on the allocation fulfills criteria for listing. ​​​If the evidence suggests that the highest-ranked recipient does not fulfill criteria for 3F listing and there is only one potential 3F recipient listed, the donor ODO will then offer to the next highest ranked potential recipient within the donor province. If multiple potential 4F recipients are listed, the donor ODO must offer to the first potential recipient on the allocation list and no mandatory notification or discussion is required. A physician-to-physician discussion will be arranged between the transplant centre within the donor province and the out-of-province transplant centre to verify that the highest-ranked recipient fulfills the criteria for 4F listing. This verification may involve use of a listing checklist. If there is sufficient evidence to suggest that the highest-ranked recipient fulfills criteria for 4F listing, the donor ODO must offer the liver to the highest ranked 4F recipient. If the evidence suggests that the highest-ranked recipient does not fulfill criteria for 4F  listing and there are multiple potential 4F recipients listed, the donor ODO will verify that the next potential recipient on the allocation fulfills criteria for listing. If the evidence suggests that the highest-ranked recipient does not fulfill criteria for 4F listing and there is only one potential 4F recipient listed, the donor ODO will then offer to the next highest ranked potential recipient within the donor province.

1.3.2 The obligation to offer a donor liver to a matched recipient includes both in-province and out-of-province matches.

1.3.3 Patients with a status of 3F will be prioritized over patients in 3LS status unless their calculated CPALS is >35. In these cases, a mandatory discussion between centers with 3F and 3LS patient will be required.

1.3.4 Any decision to offer a liver to a potential recipient listed for simultaneous liver-kidney requires a mandatory discussion between the Transplant Programs regarding the kidney.

1.3.5 The decision to split the liver belongs to the transplant program after acceptance of the initial offer. Programs in close proximity are encouraged to discuss liver splitting opportunities.

1.3.6 Programs/agencies receiving offers have up to 120 minutes (2 hours) to accept or decline an offer from the time the verbal offer is made.

  • If the donor ODO does not receive a response (i.e., acceptance or decline) within 120 minutes from the time of the verbal offer, the donor ODO must notify the transplant program’s ODO that the offer is now being extended to the next ranked recipient.

1.3.7 Offer confirmation must occur verbally (by telephone) between the donor and recipient ODOs

  • Offer confirmations should include a discussion of donor information, a determination of donor liver acceptability, and other relevant logistics.
  • If there are specific surgical requirements, communication between donor and recipient surgeons is recommended.

1.3.8 If an emergent 4F is listed at any point throughout the originating transplant program’s allocation process, a mandatory discussion must occur with the program listing the new high-status patient.

1.3.9 The offer is considered final once the donor retrieval team has departed the transplant program, after which time the addition of a new participant in the Inter-provincial Sharing: Liver program does not necessitate reconsideration of the allocation decision.


2. Exceptions

2.1 The requirement to offer through the Inter-provincial Sharing: Liver program does not apply under the following circumstances:

  • 2.1.1 There is no compatible recipient.


3. Allocated Liver Not Transplanted into Intended Recipient

3.1 Should a transplant program receive a donor liver that was accepted through the Inter-provincial Sharing: Liver program and determine that it cannot be transplanted into the intended recipient, the province allocates the liver:

  • 3.1.1 ​​​​​​​Firstly, to another recipient from that province who is a participant in the Inter-provincial Sharing: Liver program;
  • 3.1.2 ​​​​​​​Secondly, to any other recipient from that province in accordance with the relevant jurisdiction’s allocation policy.
  • 3.2 ​​​​​​​All transplants to not intended recipients are reviewed annually at a meeting of representatives from a majority of transplant programs and ODOs.


4. Allocated Liver Deemed Not Transplantable

4.1 ​​​​​​​Should the donor liver be received by the recipient centre and deemed non-transplantable, the ODO of the transplant program must contact the donor ODO immediately.

  • 4.1.1 Informs the ODO and determines if there is the ability to return the organ to the donor ODO or if there are specific legal or family requirements to return the donor organ to the donor centre.
  • 4.1.2 ​​​​​​​If 4.1.1 does not apply, disposes of the organ according to that jurisdiction’s applicable biological waste, research or medical education regulations and/or policies.
  •  4.1.3 ​​​​​​​All cases where the liver was deemed not transplantable are reviewed annually at a meeting of representatives from a majority of transplant programs and ODOs.


5. Review

This policy is reviewed at the discretion of the Liver Transplant Advisory Committee (LTAC), Donation and Transplantation Administrators Advisory Committee (DTAAC) and the Organ Donation and Transplantation Expert Advisory Committee (ODTEAC).


<Reference Name> (<Reference Date>)


Version History    
Version Date Comments/Changes
V1.0 <Date> Original Version




Exports & Imports

This policy describes the process for tracking the number of livers shared between provinces under the Inter-provincial Sharing: Liver program.

Click to view or download the exports & imports policy CTR.20.004


Type Canadian Transplant Registry
Program Inter-provincial Sharing: Liver
Policy Title Exports & Imports


Policy Number CTR.20.004
Version (Date) v1.0 (FINAL - 2023-01-17)
Policy Sponsor Liver Transplant Advisory Committee (LTAC)
Committee Review LTAC (2017-11-30), DTAAC (2017-11-30), ODTEAC (2017-11-30), CCTN (2019-12-06)
Committee Endorsement LTAC (2019-12-06), DTAAC (2021-06-09), ODTEAC (ADD DATE), CLTN (2022-09-20)
Provincial/Territorial Sign-Off 2021-06-09
Effective Date TBD



The Canadian Transplant Registry (CTR) identifies transplant opportunities across Canada for liver transplant candidates who are designated as medically urgent. This policy describes the process for tracking the number of livers shared between provinces under the Inter-provincial Sharing: Liver program.



1. Exports and Imports

1.1 ​​​​​​​An export is counted once a liver is procured and leaves the donor center with the intent of being shipped to a transplant centre that has accepted the liver, regardless of whether the liver is ultimately transplanted into the designated recipient or another recipient or not transplanted at all.

  • 1.1.1 ​​​​​​​Export counts are awarded to the province/region of the donor’s Organ Donation Organization (ODO).
  • 1.1.2 In the case of a liver being split, 1 export are counted even if the split components are sent to 2 different provinces.

1.2 ​​​​​​​An import is counted once a liver is transplanted, regardless of whether the liver is transplanted into the designated recipient or a different recipient.

  • 1.2.1 ​​​​​​​Import counts are awarded to the province/region of the recipient’s Provincial Health Number (PHN).

1.3 ​​​​​​​If the liver is shipped but not transplanted due to organ quality, the export is counted but the import is not counted.

  • 1.3.1 In such cases, the receiving ODO/program must inform the exporting ODO/program of the proposed graft utilization and reasons prior to discard.


2. Inter-Provincial Balances

2.1 ​​​​​​​The CTR is programmed to provide a real-time balance of inter-provincial liver transfers. A Balancing Report is available on-line in the CTR, or by request to Canadian Blood Services to provide real-time balances and activity by province/region.

2.2 ​​​​​​​A province/region’s inter-provincial balance is the net of all imports less exports since the launch of the Inter-provincial Sharing: Liver program.

  • 2.2.1 ​​​​​​​The province/region are defined below:
Province/Region Province(s)
Alberta Alberta, Northwest Territories, Saskatchewan
Atlantic New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland & Labrador
British Columbia British Columbia, Yukon
Ontario Ontario, Nunavut, Manitoba
Quebec Quebec
  • 2.2.2 ​​​​​​​A positive balance (e.g., +3) indicates a greater number of imports than exports.
  • 2.2.3 A negative balance (e.g., -2) indicates a greater number of exports than imports. (Example:  Province A has imported 11 livers and exported 13 livers since the launch of Inter-provincial Sharing: Liver program. Its balance is -2.)

2.3 ​​​​​​​Balances are between a province/region and the rest of Canada, not between 2 provinces/regions.

  • 2.3.1 ​​​​​​​The balance accounts for only those inter-provincial transfers that take place through participation in the Inter-provincial Sharing: Liver program. All liver allocations that take place outside the high priority program are not counted.

2.4 ​​​​​​​To minimize organs being shipped unnecessarily, the matching algorithm for the Inter-provincial Sharing: Liver program gives priority to recipients in the same province/region as the donor.

  • 2.4.1 ​​​​​​​Liver allocations within the same province/region as the donor have no net effect on imports, exports, or balancing, even though it may occur as part of the Inter-provincial Sharing: Liver program.

2.5 ​​​​​​​Thresholds - there will be no thresholds placed to limit imports or exports at this time.

  • 2.5.1 ​​​​​​​However, a mandatory discussion at LTAC will occur if any program reaches more than 5% of the annual volume of that region has been exported


3. Review

This policy is reviewed at the discretion of the Liver Transplant Advisory Committee (LTAC), Donation and Transplantation Administrators Advisory Committee (DTAAC) and the Organ Donation and Transplantation Expert Advisory Committee (ODTEAC).




Historique de la version    
Version Date Comments/Changes
V1.0 <Date> Original Version