Eye and Tissue Data and Publication Working Group (ETDPWG)

The Eye and Tissue Data Publication Working Group (ETDC) supports the collection, reporting and sharing of data by the Canadian eye and tissue banking community and provides insight into the supply of and the demand for allografts in Canada. 

Eye and Tissue Data and Publication Working Group Members

Cynthia Johnston | Regional Tissue Bank  Halifax, Nova Scotia

Christine Humphreys  | Eye Bank of Canada  Toronto, Ontario

TBD (Chair)

Ellen Sokol   | St. Paul's Hospital Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Mr. Balram Sukhu    |  Mount Sinai Allograft Technologies  Toronto, Ontario


Catherine Butler, DirectorOrgan & Tissue Donation & Transplantation

Last updated May 2024


Eye and Tissue Reports and Surveys

Report: Canadian Eye and Tissue Data Committee 2020