Clinical guide to transfusion
Canadian Blood Services’ Clinical Guide to Transfusion is a valued resource for health-care professionals in Canada. Its chapters are written by experts in their respective fields and provide a practical summary of current knowledge in transfusion medicine practices.
Originally published by the Canadian Red Cross Society, the Clinical Guide to Transfusion was originally a print publication with Anita Ali as editor. The 2006 edition, edited by Gwen Clarke and Morris Blajchman, was the first version to be published online as well as in print. Today, the Guide is an online publication and its chapters are regularly updated to reflect the evolution of transfusion medicine practices. It continues to be a trusted resource for health-care professionals, supporting the safe and effective care of patients transfused with blood components or blood products.
Aditi Khandelwal, MDCM, FRCPC, and Tricia Abe, MSc
Editors of the Clinical Guide to Transfusion online edition.

Important disclaimer: This material is an educational tool providing guidelines for the care of patients. These recommendations should thus not be applied rigidly, since they could result in some patients receiving unnecessary transfusions or experiencing adverse effects from under-transfusion. The guidelines are mainly for adult patients and may not necessarily apply to the treatment of children. The recommendations do not replace the need in some cases to consult an expert in Transfusion Medicine to provide optimal patient care.