A mighty kind movement 

This global education program helps educate young children about organs and the power of organ donation, first developed in the UK by Roydon Turner and All Good Co.

The Orgamites is a global education program that introduces the subject of organ donation to children in an age-appropriate way. Its animated characters — a team of lifesaving organs — help children and their families learn about and appreciate the roles of organs, as well as learn what organ donation is all about. They also introduce the concepts of kindness and caring for ourselves, our communities, and the planet. 

Awareness events and campaigns help shine a light on those in need, and honour those who have generously donated to save lives. But saving lives now and for generations to come also requires education, starting at an early age. Parents, teachers and healthcare practitioners can all play a role.


Canadian Blood Services OTDT program has partnered with All Good Co to bring the Orgamites to Canada.  The Orgamites made their Canadian debut in Fall 2021 and are finding their way into classrooms, homes and transplant centres across the country.

Three pillars of education and conversation

Three sets of resources were developed to fuel discussion in each of the three areas:

  • The Meet Your Mighty Organs toolkit is intended to inspire conversations about the organs most needed for transplant
  • The Let's Get Mighty Healthy toolkit helps children learn how the health of their organs affects their overall health, and helps make them aware of the concepts of organ donation and caring for others. As Turner puts it, "It's important for children to have a better understanding of how broccoli is going to make their engine work better. Hopefully that will also then make it a little bit easier for parents to empower their children and make them captains of their own health".
  • The Mighty Kind Movement toolkit was created to encourage and inspire kids to take better care of one another and the environment, too. It's based on the belief that teaching children about altruistic behaviour, including organ donation, begins with talking about kindness.

If you would like to be a part of the Orgamites in Canada, contact us to collaborate at otdt@blood.ca 

Comité national pour l'éducation et la sensibilisation du public

La sensibilisation du public - Journée du chandail vert (7 avril)

La sensibilisation du public - Une nouvelle campagne nationale

Éducation publique - Organes et Tissus Portail Pedagogique (M-12)

La sensibilisation du public - Portail nationale