Genomics Transfusion Rounds

L'événement est offert en anglais uniquement.

What is the Genomics Transfusion Rounds?

The Genomics Transfusion Rounds is a conference series organized by Canadian Blood Services that hosts international scientists to discuss recent advances in Genomics knowledge and applications within our field. This conference series is open to all practitioners in Transfusion Medicine worldwide. The Genomics Transfusion Rounds are offered in English only.

How can I attend the Genomics Transfusion Rounds?

The Genomics Transfusion Rounds are delivered via Microsoft Teams webinars organized by Canadian Blood Services.  Details about the upcoming Genomics Transfusion Rounds events can be found here.

To be added to the distribution list for the Genomics Transfusion Rounds, send an email to with the following information included:

  • Subject: Genomics Transfusion Rounds 
  • Body: Please add me to the distribution list for upcoming Genomics Transfusion Rounds events.  
    • [Firstname Lastname], [email address]. 

You will receive email notifications of upcoming events with details on how to join (e.g., link to register for the webinar).  Please note that Gmail is blocking emails sent from our distribution list. Please do not submit a Gmail address.

Is the Genomics Transfusion Rounds accredited?

No, the Genomics Transfusion Rounds are not accredited at this time. We will provide a survey that we will use to provide feedback to our speakers and to inform future presentations. You will not get an attendance certificate.