The Centre for Blood Research

Seminar Series: Structural insight into receptor usage, immune evasion, and evolution of a viral fusion glycoprotein


Event details

Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) is the leading cause of infant hospitalizations worldwide. While there are vaccines for RSV in the elderly there are no vaccines or therapeutics for prevention and treatment of RSV in infants. To address these unmet needs we are studying the structure of viral protein interactions with the host cell and developing new therapeutics using computational modelling and protein docking simulations. These studies are supported by experiments at the lab bench. This work has led to our understanding of how RSV binds its primary and coreceptors; IGF1R and NCL, antibody immune evasion by the RSV-F fusion glycoprotein, and development of new allosteric therapeutics that target viral polymerases.

This lecture is part of the CBR lecture series. Held on Wednesdays from 1-2pm PT, CBR seminars feature insightful scientific talks, with speakers from a range of clinical, industry and academic backgrounds.

Presented by

Dr. David Marchant
Professor, Medical Microbiology & Immunology
University of Alberta

Hosted by:  Dr. Chris Overall


For information about CBR Seminar series events, visit the CBR website: CBR Seminars | Centre for Blood Research ( To receive Zoom access details for CBR Seminar series events, contact Kaitlyn Chuong (