ISBT Corporate Partner Webinar

Could it be drugs? How to differentiate AIHA from DIIHA


Event details

This ISBT corporate partner webinar is intended for medical laboratory scientists, biomedical scientists, immunohematology reference lab scientists and physicians.

Presented by

Dr. Susan T Johnson
Director, Versiti Blood Center of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA

Learning objectives

The webinar will review typical serologic results seen in patients with warm and cold autoimmune hemolytic anemia and how both can mask drug-induced immune hemolytic anemia (DIIHA). Ways to differentiate the three types of AIHA will be discussed.


  1. Describe serologic characteristics of classic cases of warm autoimmune hemolytic anemia and cold agglutinin disease.
  2. Identify clues when evaluating initial antibody identification and direct antiglobulin test (DAT) results that may bring a conclusion different than warm or cold autoantibody.
  3. Discuss the importance of patient history, including medication and transfusion history, when evaluating a positive DAT.
  4. Describe testing performed to confirm drug-dependent antibody.


This is an open access webinar. For additional event details and to register, visit the ISBT website: ISBT Corporate Partner Webinar: Could it be drugs? How to differentiate AIHA from DIIHA | The International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT)