Canadian Blood Services and the BC Provincial Blood Coordinating Office

25th Annual Education Day on Patient-Centered Blood Management


Event details

Canadian Blood Services and the BC Provincial Blood Coordinating Office (PBCO) are hosting the 25th annual education day on patient-centered blood management in Burnaby, British Columbia. Join transfusion medicine technologists and clinicians from around the province for a day of presentations and discussions. Topics will include: pediatric massive transfusion, in-home transfusion, anti-Jk3 and intrauterine transfusion, a care pathway for acquired hemophilia, decision support tool for bleeding disorders, sickle cell disease management and more.


There will be an option to join in-person or virtually. Registration information, including the online registration form, is available on the PBCO website: 2024 Education Session - BC PBCO. The registration deadline is Friday September 13th, 2024.