Open discussion with case studies to be presented by AABB’s accreditation team. AABB standards and actual descriptions from assessment summary reports with documented nonconformances and objective evidence will be highlighted. The speakers will then expand the discussion on tools used to prevent future nonconformances. Finally, AABB staff will discuss AABB resources for continuous process improvement.
Edward Yoon, MD
Subchief, Clinical Pathology; Medical Director, Blood Bank & Transfusion Medicine, Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, Kaiser Permanente Mid-Atlantic States
Rockville, MD
Melanie Sloan, MS, MT(ASCP) SBB, CQA(ASQ)
Senior Director, Accreditation and Quality, AABB
Bethesda, MD
Tracie Nichols, MS, MLS(ASCP)CM, SBB, CABP
Senior Director, Accreditation Compliance, AABB
Bethesda, MD
After participating in this educational activity, participants should be able to:
Expand discussion on selected items to include interpretation of standards, variations in interpretation and how to meet the intent of the standard.
Registration includes access to both the live and on-demand version of this eCast. Registration for the live eCast will close 1 hour prior to the eCast start time. If you register after this time, you will receive access to the on-demand eCast when it is available.
For additional information and to register as a single viewer or group, visit the AABB event webpage. Please note: Registration fees are required for AABB events