Sep 28
12:00 pm | Virtual

Reducing risk from transfusion in patients with sickle cell disease: Indications for transfusion/avoidance of transfusion and alternatives to transfusion

Presented by Dr. Jacob Pendergrast, MD, FRCPC Associate Professor, University of Toronto Medical Director, University Health Network Blood Transfusion Science Dr. Kevin H.M. Kuo, MD, MSc, FRCPC Clinician-Investigator and Staff Hematologist Red Blood Cell Disorders Program, Division of Medical

May 23
9:00 am | Saskatoon

CSTM 2024: Bridging transfusion communities

The CSTM 2024 Conference will take place May 23 - 26, 2024 in Saskatoon. This conference represents a unique opportunity for healthcare professionals involved in transfusion medicine to share knowledge, to learn about the most recent advancements in Transfusion Medicine and to appreciate everyone's

Aug 8
12:00 pm | Virtual

Blood donor surveillance: SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence and beyond

This presentation is part of Public Health Ontario (PHO) Rounds and intended for medical professionals involved in SARS-CoV-2 surveillance, planning and evaluating SARS-CoV-2 interventions including vaccination, public health physicians and nurses, epidemiologists, and researchers. Since the start

Meet the Researcher: Dr. Michael Sutherland

Our partnership with the Centre for Blood Research (CBR) at the University of British Columbia (UBC) is helping to train the next generation of researchers in transfusion science. This blog post highlights just some of the achievements in education, training or knowledge mobilization accomplished by CBR trainees. This is an edited repost of a “Meet the Researcher” interview that originally appeared on the Centre for Blood Research blog in June 2023. The original post was written by Dr. Emily Park, Postdoctoral Fellow (Ma Lab) and edited by Sarah Bowers, PhD Candidate (Brown Lab) at the Centre
July 20, 2023

ORBCoN recaps the 18th Annual Transfusion Medicine Education Workshop and Symposium

Tracy Cameron is the North and East Ontario regional manager for the Ontario Regional Blood Coordinating Network (ORBCoN). ORBCoN was launched in 2006 with funding by the Ontario Ministry of Health to provide an organized and integrated approach to blood management in Ontario through the engagement of hospitals and Canadian Blood Services. Since 2007, ORBCoN and Canadian Blood Services have partnered in hosting an annual ORBCoN/Canadian Blood Services Transfusion Medicine Education Workshop and Symposium for transfusion health-care professionals. Presenters at this year’s event included
July 13, 2023

Jul 17
12:00 pm | ISTH Academy webinar

SSC on the case: Pediatric/neonatal thrombosis and hemostasis: When the answer to the clot lies in the CBC

This webinar is hosted by ISTH Academy, the online education arm of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH). The webinar is free for members and non-members alike. Presented by Nicole Kucine (USA) Aban Bahabri (Canada) Registration Online registration is required to receive

Sep 16
7:45 am | Oakville

GHEST 2023

Save the date for GHEST 2023, taking place September 16 at the Oakville Conference Centre in Oakville, Ontario. The mission of GHEST is to promote education, research and best practices in transfusion medicine throughout the Golden Horseshoe region. Registration Registration details, including the

Sep 15
7:30 am | Burnaby/Virtual

24th Annual Education Day on Blood Transfusion Issues

Canadian Blood Services and the BC Provincial Blood Coordinating Office (PBCO) are hosting the 24th annual education day on blood transfusion issues in Burnaby, British Columbia. Join transfusion medicine technologists and clinicians from around the province for a day of presentations and

Jul 19
1:00 pm | Virtual

Do we know who they are? SHOT webinar on accurate and complete patient identification for safe transfusions in children

This webinar is hosted by Serious Hazards of Transfusion (SHOT) and will be hosted via Zoom from the UK on July 19, 2023 at 13:00pm BST. Presented by TBA Registration Registration is required to access the Zoom details for this event. Event information, including the online registration link, is

Jul 11
12:00 pm | Virtual

Do we know who they are? SHOT webinar on accurate patient identification for safe transfusions in adults

This webinar is hosted by Serious Hazards of Transfusion (SHOT) and will be hosted via Zoom from the UK on July 11, 2023 at 12:00pm BST. Presented by TBA Registration Registration is required to access the Zoom details for this event. Event information, including the online registration link, is