ISBT Corporate Partner Webinar

Sickle Cell and Transfusion: Bridging the Gap in Patient Care


Event details

This ISBT corporate partner webinar is intended for Scientists, blood bankers, transfusion practitioners, practitioners in immuno hematology laboratory.

It is recommended that you read the following publications prior to the webinar:

This event is listed in Central European Time.

Please be aware that if you attend the webinar, your data will be shared with Grifols Diagnostic. If you do not want your data to be shared, please send ISBT an email.

Presented by

France Pirenne
Head of Transfusion and Pathologies of the Red Blood Cell, Mondor Biomedical Research Institute
Creteil, France

Greg Denomme
Director of Medical Affairs at Grifols Diagnostic Solutions, Grifols Diagnostic Solutions

Learning objectives

After participating in this educational activity, participants should be able to:

  • Understand transfusion difficulties in sickle cell disease and implement appropriate analyses.
  • Prevent, diagnose and treat post-transfusion hemolysis in patients with sickle cell disease


For additional event details and registration, visit the ISBT website