International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH) Academy Webinar

Rebalancing Therapies for Hemophilia: Are You Ready?

ISTH Academy webinar

Event details

This webinar is hosted by ISTH Academy, the online education arm of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH). The webinar is free for members and non-members alike. 

Presented by

Amy Shapiro, MD

Stacey Croteau, MD

Learning objectives

  • Assess how emerging rebalancing treatments impact the individualization of treatment for patients with hemophilia.
  • Compare the clinical profiles of emerging rebalancing therapies for hemophilia.
  • Outline strategies for preparing treatment teams and centers for emerging rebalancing therapies in hemophilia.


Online registration is required to receive access details for the live webinar: ISTH Academy. A recording of the event will also be available following the webinar's conclusion.